Empathy - The Key to Building Relationships in Job Search

What distinguishes successful job seekers from everyone else is their ability to connect with others, develop relationships, and collaborate effectively. While technical skills and expertise are important, it is frequently empathy that makes the difference.

The ability to understand other people is what characterizes empathy. From there, it is easier to increase trust, communicate effectively, and form strong connections. Beyond aptitude and technical ability, the interview process is almost always about the personality of the candidate, and gauging if they will fit in with the organizational culture.

Empathy is especially vital in the context of job search. Through the various stages of your job search, you’ll be speaking with hiring managers, recruiters and even future colleagues. If you can demonstrate your ability to understand their needs, gain perspective, and explain your value proposition in a way that they can connect with, you’ll be head and shoulders above most other candidates.

In your job search, what’s the best way to cultivate empathy?

First, practice ‘active listening’. During an interview or meeting, focus on the speaker and what they’re saying, versus thinking about your response. Ask probing questions to gain clarity and understanding. Reinforce your understanding of the question by rephrasing it.

Second, pay attention to the specific situation and your audience’s body language. Do they appear stressed or relaxed? Serious or enthusiastic? Improve your communication by responding appropriately. In other words, “read the room.”

Third, be genuine and open. People can easily recognize when someone is being deceptive or manipulative. Instead, be honest about your skills and flaws, and communicate your real interest in the company and position.

You can help your job search by demonstrating empathy. Remember, people hire people they like and trust, so make the effort to understand and connect with others on an emotional level.

No matter what stage of job search you’re in, we can help. Learn more about how empathy can make a difference in the length and quality of your job search. Contact us today and schedule a free call to discuss your specific situation.


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