Tech Savvy and Smart Ways to Target Your Dream Job

If it feels like you’re spending too much time on dead-end online job postings, or replying to recruiter inquiries for “nothing to see here” lateral positions, follow this five-step strategy to proactively pursue the job you really want.

  1. Write out the names of companies you admire, and would most like to work for.
  2. Search LinkedIn for the names of top-level HR personnel and departmental VPs.
  3. Actively follow them on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Make short, relevant comments on their posts.
  4. Reach out directly to communicate your admiration for the company, giving specific reasons why.
  5. Reach out again to inquire about opportunities, now and in the future. Include a brief, 2-3 sentence, description of your capabilities and what you could bring to the table.

Learn more about tech-savvy and proven strategies for your particular job search by contacting us today.


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