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Boost your Confidence and Visibility with the Spillover Effect

As we move into Spring, many people are inspired to find a new job. Whether it’s a new position within their current organization or at a completely different company.

If done right, looking for a different position can increase your confidence and that confidence can nurture self-empowerment.

Have you ever noticed when you make one small change, it can lead to even bigger improvements in multiple areas of your life? This phenomenon is known as the ‘spillover effect’. It’s the idea that when we make progress in one area, it can have a domino effect and lead to further progress in other areas. Let's look at what this means and how you can use it to your advantage.

What is the Spillover Effect?

The spillover effect is a psychological term used to describe how engaging in self-improvement activities often has a ripple effect. When we focus on one particular aspect of our lives, such as looking for a new job, improving our diet or learning a new skill, it can lead to positive changes in other areas as well. For example, if you are preparing yourself for a job search, have all the necessary tools in place and are in the right mindset, this can lead to better work performance. We “show up” in a different way that exudes more confidence. People start to see us differently. We get into better conversations. We speak up when we haven’t in the past.

How Can You Tap Into the Spillover Effect?

The key to using the spillover effect is taking small steps toward your goal and being intentional about each step along the way. Start by looking for ways that you can make small improvements. This could be anything from setting aside time each day for personal growth activities related to work, committing to getting more sleep, or reading and journaling.

Even small changes like these can have a positive impact on your overall well-being and pave the way for additional successes down the road.

Setting realistic goals will help keep you motivated and on track with your self-improvement plan. Consider breaking down large tasks into smaller steps so that they are easier to manage; focus on what you want to achieve, rather than the fear of failing or what you don’t want.

Remember to celebrate every success — no matter how small — so that you stay motivated and encouraged throughout your journey!



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